His Holiness Drubwang Pema Norbu Rinpoche Enters Thugdam

March 28th, 2009

The 11th Throneholder of the Palyul Lineage of the Nyingma School of Tibetan Buddhism, His Holiness Penor Rinpoche, entered  the final stage of meditation at 8:20 PM on Friday, March 27, 2009, at the Palyul Namdroling Monastery in Bylakuppe, South India.

Earlier, at noon, His Holiness received offerings from many of the highest Nyingma Lamas, Tulkus and dignitaries who had assembled to pay homage to him. Rinpoche left Columbia Asia Hospital at 3:30 PM with a Indian police escort arranged with the assistance of the Bhutanese government. He reached Palyul Namdroling at 6:40 PM and remained on his bed at the residence. Tulkus, Khenpos and lamas did aspiration prayers together with His Holiness until 8:20 PM. At that time Rinpoche looked around and then closed his eyes and went into meditation.

Prayers continued for 5 minutes and then everyone remained in silence for the next two hours. His Holiness’ meditation continues today, and is expected to continue for the next several days. When His Holiness releases his body from meditation, there will be an official acknowledgement of the final passing, allowing everyone to pay their respects according to tradition.

Kyabjé Drubwang Pema Norbu Rinpoche was born in 1932 in the Powo region of Kham, Eastern Tibet. His Holiness settled in South India where he built, from his own hands and with the help of a few monks, the Palyul Namdroling Monastery. The monastery has grown into one of the largest Tibetan Buddhist Dharma centers in the world, housing over 6000 monks and nuns in the complex, which also includes a hospital, and hospice.
His Holiness has also built temples and established Dharma Centers around the world - in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, Australia, United Kingdom, Greece, Canada and the United States - among others. His Holiness frequently traveled to teach and give empowerments at all of them. Worldwide, His Holiness is revered for his loving kindness and compassion, pure upholding of the Vinaya with ceaseless dedication to the welfare of all beings. He has brought and nourished the Buddha-Dharma everywhere he has been.
He will live forever in our hearts.
Lama Lobsang Chophel, Secretary
28 March, 2009




這是正式通知藏傳佛教寧瑪巴白玉傳承第十一代法王貝諾仁波切, 在南印度貝拉古貝南卓林寺327日星期五晚上820分進入禪定最後一個階段.


當天中午,各地的高僧,活佛及大德们聚集向法王禮敬及獻上供養.在布丹政府安排的印度警察護送下, 法王下午3:30分離開哥倫比亞亞洲醫院. 下午6:40分到達南卓林寺後就在住處床上躺臥. 活佛们及堪布们在旁一起與法王唸誦祈請文直到晚上8:20. 這時, 法王瀏覽周圍一下就閉上眼睛進入禪定. 祈請文繼續五分鐘後, 所有的人在接下來的兩小時內都保持靜語. 法王今天繼續在禪定中, 預計會禪定七天. 當法王最後離開肉身時, 我們會正式公佈, 以便大家以自己的傳統方式來致敬.


尊貴的竹旺貝瑪諾布仁波切出生於1932東藏康省(西康)的波沃. 法王離開西藏後定居在南印度, 靠少數幾位喇嘛的幫忙, 他親手蓋寺廟. 如今白玉南卓林寺已成為全世界最大的藏傳佛寺; 寺內有6000位喇嘛及阿尼, 包括一座醫院及臨終安養院.


法王並在世界各地建中心及寺廟- 在台灣, 香港, 新加坡, 馬來西亞, 菲律賓, 澳洲, 英國, 希臘, 加拿大, 及美國和其他國家. 法王常常到各個中心給灌頂及傳法. 法王的慈悲, 德行圓滿, 無間斷, 無保留的利益眾生是備受全世界所讚嘆! 法王所到之處, 都有他辛苦耕耘, 弘揚佛法的成果!
















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